How To Use Quora for Lead Generation

Nakul Chandra
5 min readMar 14, 2019

Quora is not the place to shamelessly self-promote or bring zero value to your answer. Poor answers can get collapsed or down voted by the community. Always aim to write longer and more detailed answers. Formatting and structure matters as well, especially for easier “scanning”: use paragraph breaks, bullet points, numbered lists, bold or italics highlights, adding relevant images or a video is a plus too.

In search Quora answers will display as a short description with just the first few lines visible and Read more tag. Just like in a blog post, the first lines should be catchy enough for the reader to click through and view the complete answer.

Try to provide a detailed answer as in-depth; educational answers receive more community love and upvotes. Yet do not aim at 1000+ words. Leave those texts for a blog post. Include reference links and data when applicable as in the example above. I linked to the blog article after the key points and conclusion for those, who’d love to know more.

Link-building. You shouldn’t always link your company website or blog. Shameless self-promotion and spamming will not win you any friends. Bring value first. Answer the questions just for the sake of sharing your expertise. Credit and cite others as well as long as the material backs up your tip.

Mentions. Mentioning other Quora writers and users is another good thing to do. You can tag those, who may have more experience on the subject or previously covered the same topics. They will receive a mention notification and check out your answer and profile. This way you can build your trustful network of influencers and connect with amazing peeps in your niche.

Quality answers will have more views and get more chances to be upvoted and shared across the web. Also people, who loved your answer can follow or subscribe to your profile or head straight to your blog for more content. All these actions lead to bigger conversion rate on your website.

Share your answers on other social networks. Most of your prospects look for a solution on your website or elsewhere regarding your processes, services and approach to work. Try sharing your answers on social media. Google will index your answers even better as you accumulate social proof. Quora allows “Auto-sharing” once you’ve connected other social networks on your profile.

Asking questions. Quora is the perfect source to gather all sort of data. You can ask the question you are currently struggling with or researching. As you can see in the example below, I recently asked about automation tools people use in the daily work, because we are preparing a new blog post about automation testing tools and I’d love to hear the community feedback.

Ask to answer feature allows you to request an answer from 15 popular writers on your topic giving you a chance to get the most qualified answer.

Quora encourages to ask questions you want to answer — a “win-win” case to show your competence in certain topics and hear other opinions as well.

Analytics & ROI. On Quora you can see how many people have viewed your answers and profiles of people, who followed your question. You can easily connect with your followers or message them directly with related content offers.

On top, there is a separate analytics section called “Stats.” This free analytics tool provides you with the views, upvotes and shares for all the categories — questions, answers, posts and all the content you’ve contributed.

Views and upvotes are quite vanity metrics for me. The only thing I find useful is to identify the key topics which may be the content candidates by the number of views.

The thing people forget about when starting to use Quora is to track ROI coming from the answers on Quora in Google Analytics. I use GA, but if you are using other tracking tools, please, let me know in the comments below.

It’s quite and easy step a tracking campaign in GA: Go to “Reporting tab”, then choose “Social” under “Acquisition.” Then go to “Network Referrals”. Quora will appear as one of your sources if you already have started your activity there. Furthermore, by clicking on Quora source, you can see which pages are getting the most traffic from Quora and what answers include those referrals. I can quickly see which blog posts turned out to be the most popular and which answers on Quora I gave mentioning this link.

If you are setting your conversion tracking in GA, you can set the funnels and events to track if your customers came from Quora or other sources.

Message prospects and followers. Private messaging is a powerful feature for your lead generation strategy. You can send a message to your followers and prospects if the privacy settings allow doing so. Make sure you choose to receive messages from anyone in your privacy settings on Quora if you’d like to connect with more prospects.

There are two ways to reach your marketing pre-qualified leads as they are already interested in your answer/question/topic.

  • send a thank you note to your followers;
  • send a direct follow-up after your answer to the question with targeted offers and link to your landing page;
  • connect with them on LinkedIn with a Quora reference.

I hope that this post will boost your future marketing on Quora. If you already use the platform, let me know the results in the comments below.

P.S. Are you interested in other aspects of digital marketing and how i can help you here then shot me msg on messenger

Thanks for Reading.



Nakul Chandra

Helping entrepreneurs and enterprises build the next big thing.